Thursday, February 23, 2006

cool shit

this guy needs to win american idolatry

i wish i had a sick talent like this....

Beat Box meets Harmonica

now this thing right here i saw on the history channel
this is my new ride...

High-Performance Stealth Vehicles with Remote Control Weapons and Sensor Control Systems

ok next up is a site i found with political cartoons...

Political Cartoons

i went on a job interveiw to be a sales rep for this company, pretty damn cool

Bio Morph


my new blog

political and religous rants

the anti-x have started


weird people are cool

i miss being an art student
because in art school the weirded you are the cooler you are
by weird i dont mean creepy
i mean interesting and creative in a way not accepted by "normies"
yep thats wut we called em

now the same thing goes for halloween
the weirded your are
as in creative
the cooler your costume

the greatest thing ever was my first year in art school on halloween
on this day the crazy kids were king

i wonder what the crackheads of utica where thinking when they saw a group of 10 kids all on multiple hits of acid all dressed up as creativy as possible wandering the streets

greatest experence of my life

i wish everyday was halloween
how crazy you look = how cool you are
insted of
how expensive or pretty = coolness

welll ive decided
everyday is halloween
and im fucken cool
